Can I take BlueIron during pregnancy or when lactating?

Yes, both BlueIron & BlueIron Pregnancy are suitable for use in pregnancy. Iron is especially important during pregnancy and up to 85% of women in their third trimester are not getting enough iron. Speak to your health care professional before taking any supplements when pregnant.

How is the BlueIron Pregnancy Formula different?

BlueIron Pregnancy contains extra iron, Folic Acid, B-12 & Vitamin C. It is perfect to take alongside a pregnancy multivitamin to boost iron levels. BlueIron Pregnancy also contains extra B-12 giving you 100% of your recommended daily amount of three essential supplements: Iron, Folic acid and B-12. Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin so you can’t take too much – your body will naturally expel what is not needed.

Are there any side effects?

It is unlikely that BlueIron will cause side effects – BlueIron has been designed to prevent side effects commonly associated with taking iron tablets (constipation). This is due to the Fe3+ type of iron and the microencapsulation of it. This guarantees that there is very little free iron in your gut.

How should I store BlueIron?

In a cool and dry place out of direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Once opened consume within 3 months. We recommend to store in a refrigerator once opened. Use a teaspoon or the included measurement spoon or measurement cup when taking BlueIron.

How much iron is in each dose of BlueIron?

It depends on the version: 2 teaspoons of BlueIron Original has 14mg of iron – 100% of the RDA for adults. 2 teaspoons of BlueIron Pregnancy formula has 27mg of iron, 100% of the RDA for pregnant and lactating women. Do not exceed the dosage on the label without consulting a healthcare professional.

Is BlueIron suitable for vegetarians?

Yes. BlueIron products are vegan and suitable for vegetarians.

What can inhibit the absorption of iron?

Coffee, tea and milk often inhibit iron absorption. Additionally, everything containing calcium and many pharmaceuticals like antibiotics and antacids inhibit iron absorption. BlueIron does not interact with these products so unlike standard iron you can take BlueIron together with any food or medicine.

How much BlueIron should I take?

Please follow the directions on the label.

Can I take BlueIron everyday?

Yes you can. BlueIronis designed for daily use. Missing a day does not harm your regime since filling the body’s iron storage is then picked up where it was left off.

Can I take BlueIron if I am on other supplements or medications?

Yes, you can take BlueIron with other medications since the iron in BlueIron does not interact with any other substance. However as with all supplements it is always a good idea to check with your healthcare provider first.

I am pregnant and already take folic acid. Can I still take BlueIron?

Yes. The recommended dose of BlueIron Pregnancy already contains your recommended daily amount of folic acid.  However, Folic acid is a water-soluble vitamin so you can’t take too much – your body will naturally expel what is not needed.  Therefore you can take BlueIron and your usual prenatal supplement together.

Can diabetics take BlueIron?

BlueIron has much less sugar compared to most similar products and is all from berries or fruits. We suggest you check with your healthcare provider first.

What is the best time of day to take BlueIron?

You can take BlueIron any time of day with any food or pharmaceutical unlike most of other irons. The main thing is to take it regularly for at least one month to experience to benefits associated with the product after filling the body’s iron storage.

Can I take BlueIron during breastfeeding?

Yes, you can take both BlueIron Original and BlueIron Pregnancy when breastfeeding. Iron is naturally present in breast milk but not in high concentration. Since iron is important for your baby’s growth and development, you should continue to take the recommended dosage of BlueIron during breastfeeding.

What are the ingredients in BlueIron?

BlueIron contains wild handpicked Nordic blueberries, pear juice concentrate and Ferric Iron Reduced complex.

Does BlueIron contain gluten, lactose or yeast?


Does BlueIron form “free iron” in blood?

The iron in BlueIron does not form free iron in blood, so it is safe. Free iron is iron that is not bound to protein. It is the most dangerous kind of iron because free iron can cause oxidative damage to organs, nourish harmful bacteria, change DNA or help to spread tumors. Unbound iron is determined by measuring UIBC (unbound iron binding capacity) and TIBC. Again, the iron in BlueIron does not form free iron in blood so it is safe.

How do I know if I need iron?

The best way is to measure the ferritin saturation and total ferritin levels. Hemoglobin is not a measurement for iron status. It has been shown that up to 90% of women aged 16-64 do not get enough iron in their diet. Initial symptoms of iron deficiency can include: tiredness and fatigue, lack of energy and stamina, decreased ability to concentrate, pale skin, dry, brittle nails and hair.

How can iron levels be checked?

Tests to measure iron levels include:

1 – Serum iron. This test measures the amount of iron in your blood.

2 – Serum ferritin. Ferritin is a protein that helps store iron in your body.

3 – Transferrin level, or total iron-binding capacity. Transferrin is a protein that carries iron in your blood.

What are the 3 stages of iron deficiency?

Stage 1 – Storage Depletion – Lower than expected blood ferritin levels.  Ferritin is the storage form of iron, and low ferritin levels are the first sign that the body’s iron stores are compromised.

Stage 2 – Mild Deficiency – During the second stage of iron deficiency, transport iron ( known as transferrin) decreases. This is often accompanied by a reduction in size of red blood cells even though hemoglobin levels remain normal.

Stage 3 – Iron Deficiency Anemia –   Hemoglobin begin to drop in the final stage which, depending on other blood work, may formally be defined as IDA. At this stage your red blood cells are fewer in number, smaller and contain less hemoglobin.

Does the body produce iron on its own, or is supplementation necessary?

Iron is not created by body so you must get it from your daily diet. The liver is the major organ for iron storage and has the largest capacity to store excess iron, but it does not produce it in the body.

What regulates iron in the body?

The liver is the organ for iron storage and regulation; it senses circulating iron concentrations in the body and regulates the iron intake from food and erythrocyte recovery into the bloodstream by secreting hepcidin.


Why is Iron so important in the body? Find out now

Why is BlueIron different? Find out now

What are the benefits of BlueIron? Find out now

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